ADVISORY TO STUDENTS (Answer to "Sir, College is there today ?")

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"If egg is broken by outside force, life ends. If broken by inside force, life begins. Great things always begin from inside force, trust yourself."

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Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Today's C Program

What is the output  of the program if the input is 12 ?

#include "stdio.h"  
char line[80]   /*input line*/
int  balance_owed ; /*amount owed*/

int main ( )
     printf ("Enter number of rupees owed:");
     fgets(line,sizeof(line), stdin);
     sscanf(line, "%d", &balance_owed);

     if (balance_owed = 0)
        printf("You owe nothing.\n");
        printf("You owe %d dollars.\n", balance_owed);


Yesterday's program still needs an answer.

So, we effectively have two problems to solve !

Bye, bye


  1. Sir,
    the output is :

    You owe 0 dollars.

  2. Sir the answer posted by mr sai kumar is absolutely right!
    but i would like to point that the statement terminator ; is missing after the statement
    char line[80] and also return(0).

    and coming to the yesterday's question assuming that the array starts at memory address 4000 its op would be
    4000 4004
    4000 4004
    4000 4004
    basically the syntax to access the element in 2D array is array[row][col] but here when we say
    array[0,0] it is same as array[0]which gives out the address in memory of row no: 0
    and array[0,1] is same as array[1] which gives out the address in memory of row no: 1
    and array[1,0] is same as array[0] which gives out the address in memory of row no:0
    and array[1,1] is same as array[1] which gives out the address in memory of row no:1
    and array[2,0] is same as array[0] which gives out the address in memory of row no:0
    and array[2,1] is same as array[1] which gives out the address in memory of row no:1

    Now the million dollar question is why and what about the first subscript in each of those statement for example array[2,0] is same as array[0] what abt 2 here?
    the answer is when compiler goes on to compile the statements like array[1,0] or array[2,0] as per its syntax it expects first the row number in first rectangular [] brackets here there are two separated by comma operator ( , ) the comma operator in c is used to combine two statements in one line say
    i++,b++; so here in statement like array[2,0] and array[1,1] the numbers 2 and 1 are ignored bcuz they dont hav any effect and hence it would be evaluated as array[0] and array[1].
    that is why we get the op which is addresses of row 0 and row1 in the given array. which would be different on different computers and its dynamic even on same computer each time u run the addresses might be different!

    ya had there been any statement like this
    printf("%d",array[printf("C is deep C!"),0);
    the o/p would have been
    C is deep C! 4000
    because here there's a valid statement which is a function printf()which on execution prints the string "C is deep C!"
    which is a real fact!

  3. oops i made a typo mistake in the last printf() used in my explanation in previous post which i meant
    printf("%d",array[printf("C is deep C!"),0]); note ']'
    that's it!

  4. Manoj
    I am happy with your 'approach' towards programming. Keep it up.

    Sai Kumar,
    You are correct.
    Can you analyse and bring out the vital observation from this program. Meaning : Why was this question asked in the first place. What is the lesson one has to learn ?

    Well done though
