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"If egg is broken by outside force, life ends. If broken by inside force, life begins. Great things always begin from inside force, trust yourself."

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Thursday, March 24, 2011

Antenna Magus

Dear ALL,
I had been to a seminar on Computer Simulation Technologies
Though the technologies are useful at high end of system design using complex design mechanisms and teams involved in top class research and development, I felt that it is never too early to pick up the technologies available in the market.
How many of you can remember doing anything on the internet before Google ?  Google was founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin and was first incorporated as a privately held company on September 4, 1998. That is only 12 years and eight+ months ago! I cannot imagine using the internet without Google but there was a time when libraries were the only place where knowledge could be acquired.
I want to draw a few parallels between Google and Antenna Magus :

Antenna Magus
The first internet search engine of its kind.
The first antenna design tool of its kind.
The easiest way to find information on the internet.
The easiest way to find information on antennas. 
Founded by a small group of IT geeks.
Founded by a small group of antenna geeks.
Has the largest database of information in the world
Has the largest database of antenna designs in the world
Changed the way people use the internet
Is changing the way people design antennas

It took a couple of years before Google became well known and widely used. That applies to anything new – people need to use it first to realize how much they like it and eventually realize they can’t live without it. Antenna Magus is still in the first phase where people are discovering how useful it is but there are already some users who are loving it ! I understand that ISRO, DLRL and other government agencies are using this software.
Those interested can visit the web site of cst and learn  more.

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